PEMBUAT FILM INDONESIA 1900-1992, Blog ini tentang pembuat film Indonesia, mulai dari Isu, peristiwa, sosok, dibalik layar, berita, bioskop, analisa, kritikus, undang-undang film, film negara, bintang film, sutradara, Cinematographer, produser, sosok yang berpengaruh, sang legend, aktor, aktris, perkembangan film Nasional, jadul, lawas, nostalgia, jaman, kejayaan, keemasan, mereka yang membuat film, penonton, situasi sosial saat itu, perjuangan, kemerdekaan, era Belanda, Jepang, fungsi film dll.
ANNEKE GRONLOH singing "Soerabaya" in Dutch from 1963.
Gronloh became one of the first legends of Singapore 60's Pop Music. She
had many hits like "Asmara," "Bengawan Solo," "Boeroeng Kaka" and "Oh
Malaysia" in the early 60's. She inspired a whole generation of young
ladies in Singapore and Malaysia to sing and make records in the 1960's,
such as Susan Lim, Naomi Suriya and Anita Sarawak, and many others.
Soerabaja Pasar Besar 1929
Soerabaja Pasar Besar 1929 july 15th
Documentary images of
traffic around the railroad viaduct at pasar-besar or Great Market,
around half past twelve in the afternoon. We see a hubbub of cars,
electric streetcars, ox-carts and biking office clerks speeding by each
other. The camera pans along advertisements for Aspirine and Deluze
table wines. The film also shows shops with galleries and announcements
billboard on the front of the Apollo movie theatre we read that the film
THE UNHOLY THREE, starring Lon Chaney, will be playing from 18 July.
The image of Surabaya captured here is very similar to that of any
European city. In some respects, the architecture is even more modern
than that of the West. Only the occasional native and the ox-carts drawn
by water buffalo betray the fact that the film was shot in Indonesia.
Phase Pertama : Peristiwa Hotel Oranye Insiden Bendera 19 September 1945
di Hotel YAMATO / Hotel ORANGE (sekarang Hotel Mandarin Oriental
MAJAPAHIT) Surabaya. Rakyat Surabaya marah dengan adanya bendera merah
putih biru berkibar di atas menara hotel. Dan terjadilah aksi perobekan
bendera warna biru, hingga menjadi merah dan putih
Phase Kedua : "Surabaya-incident" Pertempuran 28 -- 30 Oktober 1945 Pada
bulan Agustus 1943 di Quebec, Kanada, dicapai kesepakatan antara
Presiden Roosevelt dan Perdana Menteri Inggris Churchill, untuk
membentuk South East Asia Command (SEAC --Komando Asia Tenggara), dan
mulai tanggal 16 November, SEAC di bawah pimpinan Vice Admiral Lord
Louis Mountbatten. Wewenang SEAC meliputi Sri Lanka, sebagian Assam,
Birma, Thailand, Sumatera, dan beberapa pulau kecil di Lautan Hindia.
Inggris Mengibarkan Bendera Putih Serbuan
ke pos-pos pertahanan Inggris di tengah kota dilengkapi dengan blokade
total: Aliran listrik dan air di wilayah pos pertahanan Inggris
dimatikan. Truk-truk yang mengangkut logistik untuk pasukan Inggris,
terutama yang akan mengantarkan makanan dan minuman bisa dicegah.
Kekacauan demi kekacauan menyebabkan suplai yang dijatuhkan pesawat
Inggris dari udara, ikut pula terganggu. Tidak sedikit yang meleset dari
sasaran, bahkan boleh dikatakan hampir semua jatuh ke tangan pasukan
Brigadir Jenderal Mallaby Tewas Setelah disepakati
truce (gencatan senjata) tanggal 30 Oktober, pimpinan sipil dan militer
pihak Indonesia, serta pimpinan militer Inggris bersama-sama keliling
kota dengan iring-iringan mobil, untuk menyebarluaskan kesepakatan
tersebut. Dari 8 pos pertahanan Inggris, 6 di antaranya tidak ada
masalah, hanya di dua tempat, yakni di Gedung Lindeteves dan Gedung
Internatio yang masih ada permasalahan/tembak-menembak.
Ketiga : "Battle of Surabaya" Setelah Letnan Jenderal Sir Phillip
Christison mengeluarkan ancamannya, dalam waktu singkat Inggris menambah
kekuatan mereka di Surabaya dalam jumlah sangat besar, mobilisasi
militer Inggris terbesar setelah Perang Dunia II usai. Pada 1 November,
Laksamana Muda Sir. W. Patterson, berangkat dari Jakarta dengan HMS
Sussex dan mendaratkan 1.500 Marinir di Surabaya. Mayor Jenderal
Mansergh, Panglima 5th British-Indian Division, berangkat dari Malaysia
memimpin pasukannya dan tiba di Surabaya tanggal 3 November 1945.
Masuknya pasukan Divisi 5 yang berjumlah 24.000 tentara secara
berangsur-angsur, sangat dirahasiakan. Divisi 5 ini sangat terkenal
karena ikut dalam pertempuran di El Alamein, di mana pasukan Marsekal
Rommel, Perwira Jerman yang legendaris dikalahkan. Mansergh juga
diperkuat dengan sisa pasukan Brigade 49 dari Divisi 23, kini di bawah
pimpinan Kolonel Pugh, yang menggantikan Mallaby
Pidato Bung Tomo 10 Nov 1945
Pertempuran 10 Nopember 1945 - Surabaya
Soerabaia tempo doeloe
Battle of Surabaya 1945
Battle of Surabaya 1945 (Pertempuran Surabaya 1945)
Allied forces
arrived at the end of October 1945, the pemuda ('youth') foothold in
Surabaya city was described as "a strong unified fortress". Ferocious
fighting erupted when 6,000 Indian troops landed in the city to evacuate
European internees.
On October 26, 1945, Brigadier A. W. S
Mallaby reached an agreement with Mr. Suryo, the Republic of Indonesia's
governor of East Java that the British would not ask Indonesian
troops/militia to hand over their weapons. An apparent misunderstanding
about the agreement between British troops in Jakarta (led by Lieutenant
General Sir Philip Christison) and Mallaby's troops in Surabaya was to
have have serious ramifications.
On October 27, 1945, a British
plane from Jakarta dropped leaflets over Surabaya urging all Indonesian
troops and militia to surrender their weapons. The leader of Indonesian
troops and militia was angered, seeing it as a --BREAKING OF THE
AGREEMENT REACHED-- with Mallaby earlier. On October 28, 1945, they
attacked British troops in Surabaya killing more than 200 British Troops
Brigadier Mallaby was killed in Surabaya on 30 October 1945 under unclear circumstances that remain debated today.
British troops were 6,000-strong-armed Indian soldiers from 49th
Infantry Brigade of the 23rd Indian Division. When the battle reached
its peak, British sent additional troops which consisted of 24,000
fully-armed soldiers from the 5th Indian Division, 24 Sherman tanks, 24
armed aircraft, 2 cruisers and 3 destroyers.
Indonesian forces
consisted of 20,000 soldiers from the newly-formed Tentara Keamanan
Rakyat (TKR; People's Security Troops) and estimated 100,000-120,000
irregulars. TKR was formed by the former members of Peta, a
semi-military organization during Japanese occupation. The irregulars
consisted of pro-Independence mob, armed with rifles, swords, and
spears. Some of their weapons were taken from the demoralized Japanese
At dawn on 10 November, a day now commemorated in
Indonesia as Heroes' Day, British troops began a methodical advance
through the city under the cover of naval and air bombardment. Fighting
was heavy with British troops clearing buildings room by room and
consolidating their gains. Despite the fanatical resistance of
Indonesians, half the city was conquered in three days and the fighting
over in three weeks.
Nieuws uit Indonesië - Bange dagen in Soerabaja (1946)
Na een aanslag van nationalisten in een kampong in de omgeving van
Soerabaja, hebben legereenheden een zuiveringsactie uitgevoerd, waarbij
de kampong en een gedeelte van Soerabaja werd verwoest. Ook werden een
aantal nationalisten gevangen genomen.
JWI: jongens wezen inrichting .Embongmalang, Surabaya, Indonesia.1953 - 1961. YWI Panti asuhan Yatim Warga Indonesia Batu - Malang
The Gembells - Balada Kalimas
Lagu dari Band Asal Surabaya The Gembells yang berjudul Balada Kalimas
yang bercerita tentang romantisme kota Surabaya yang tidak pernah lepas
dari sungai yang membelahnya yaitu KALIMAS
1e politionele actie Nederlands Indie 1947 mendarat di pasir putih
Penyerangan Pasukan Belanda pada tahun 1947 di indonesia dan di situbondo (sitoebondo) melalui pantai pasir putih (pasir poetih)