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Tampilkan postingan dengan label PAPUA - IRIAN JAYA - WEST PAPUA #1. Tampilkan semua postingan

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012



The Dutch New Guinea Dispute 1949-1962 

 Netherlands New Guinea (Dutch: Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea) refers to the West Papua region while it was an overseas territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands from 1949 to 1962. Until 1949 it was a part of the Netherlands Indies. It was commonly known as Dutch New Guinea. It is currently Indonesia's two easternmost provinces, Papua and West Papua (administered as one single unit prior to 2003 under the name Irian Jaya). Nieuw Guinea conflict

The Netherlands retained New Guinea when Indonesia became independent in 1949. The arguments of the Dutch government for this changed repeatedly over time. At any rate the Dutch policy with regard to New Guinea was strongly influenced by the Dutch position towards Indonesia. On the one hand the Netherlands wanted to use New Guinea as a Dutch sphere of influence in the region. On the other hand by developing New Guinea and emancipating the Papuan population the Netherlands wanted to vindicate itself as a responsible colonial power.

Indonesia claimed New Guinea as part of its territory. The dispute over New Guinea was an important factor in the quick decline in bilateral relations between the Netherlands and Indonesia after Indonesian independence. Starting in 1962, under pressure from the international community and under threat of armed conflict with Indonesia, the Netherlands relinquished control and a series of events led to the eventual official annexation of New Guinea in 1969 to Indonesia

Sukarno: Pembebasan Irian Barat 

 Pidato Sukarno pada pelantikan Jend Oemar Dhani, pada saat pembebasan Irian Barat dari pendudukan Belanda

OPERATION TRIKORA: Indonesia Giant Military in 1960s and Liberation of W. Papua 

Indonesia's military strength is one of the main, the largest, and strongest in the world. At that time, even the Dutch forces were not comparable to Indonesia, and the United States was very concerned with the development of our military forces that was heavily supported by the latest technology of the Soviet Union.

In 1960, the Dutch were still entrenched in Papua. Seeing the power of the Republic of Indonesia became more powerful, Western-backed Dutch deceptionally designed to establish a puppet state that seemed to be independent, but still under the Dutch control.

President Sukarno immediately took extreme action, in purpose of Papua recapture. Sukarno immediately issued a decree "Trikora"; in Yogyakarta, and the contents were:
1. To prevent the formation of a puppet state of Papua, made by the Dutch colonial.
2. To raise the Sang Saka Merah Putih (The Red-and-White Indonesian flag) in the Papua (West Irian at that time).
3. To be prepared for a general mobilization, maintaining independence and unity of the nation's homeland.

Due to the proximity of Indonesia with the Soviets, Indonesia then got a help with massive naval forces and advanced air military in the world with a huge value of U.S. $ 2.5 billion. That time, the Indonesian military forces were considered the strongest in the southern hemisphere.

The main strength of the Trikora Indonesia forces is one of the largest warships in the world's fastest man-made Soviet Sverdlov class, with a giant cannon 12 caliber 6 inches. This is the KRI Irian, a giant weighing 16,640 tons with a crew of 1270 people, including 60 officers. The Soviets never once gave this strong ship to any other nations except Indonesia. (New ships now from Indonesia Sigma class weighs only 1600 tons).

KRI Irian was the most dangerous one of the main ship in the world and its strength was proportional to the ships America's best fighter, the USS Iowa, USS Wisconsin and USS Missouri. The defender anti-air attack was very strong, because the kind had a triple 4-bis Mk5 gun turrets 20 mm caliber, and 32 multi-function Canon 3.7 cm caliber. Its armored belt had reached 100 mm thick, almost impossible to penetrate the warships with the Dutch's best, including Hr. Ms. Evertsen.

HNLMS Karel Doorman in Biak, Papua

Since the arrival of this ship immediately the Dutch drastically reduced its presence in Papua. The carrier of the Dutch largest pride, HNLMS Karel Doorman was ordered to leave immediately as soon as HMS Papua New Guinea moved to leave the Admiralty Yard in Leningrad to Surabaya, Indonesia.

Indonesia Air Force also became one of the main fleets of air deadliest in the world, which consisted of more than 100 aircraft-art at that time:

20 fighter supersonic MiG-21 Fishbed.
30 aircraft MiG-15.
49 fighter high-subsonic MiG-17.
10 aircraft supersonic MiG-19.

The aircraft MiG-21 Fishbed is one of the main planes of the world's most advanced supersonic thathas been able to fly at the speed reaching Mach 2. This aircraft was even better than the most sophisticated American aircraft at that time, the supersonic F-104 Starfighter and F-5 Tiger. All while the Dutch were still relying on the planes from World War II such as P-51 Mustang.

For the record, the magnitude of the aircraft MiG-21 and MiG-17 was thatin the Vietnam War they encouraged Americans to establish the United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor, the training center for best pilots known as TOP GUN.

Indonesia also had a fleet of 26 long-range strategic bomber Tu-16 Tupolev (Badger A and B). This made Indonesia one of only 4 nations in the world that have strategic bombers, namely the United States, Russia, and England. The home is located at the Air Force Base Iswahyudi, Surabaya.

Even China and Australia did not have strategic bombers like this. The bombers also featured a variety of sophisticated electronic equipment and special anti-missile warships Kennel AS-1, which could easily sink the ships of Western combat.

Indonesia also possessed a 12 Whiskey-class submarines, dozens of Corvette-class battleships, 9 of the world's largest helicopter MI-6, MI-41 helicopter 4, various aircraft carriers including heavy transport aircraft Antonov An-12B. In total, Indonesia possessed 104 units of combat ships. Not to mention the thousands of the best assault rifles at the time and still become legendary to this day, the AK-47.

This all made Indonesia air force become one of the sea and air military strongest in the world. It was so thrillingly great that America under the leadership of John F. Kennedy forced the Dutch to get out of Papua, and stated in the UN forum that the transition of power in Papua from the Netherlands to Indonesia was something that can be accepted.

Pidato Soekarno di Front Perampasan Irian Barat 



 Dutch Marine Corps in Netherlands New Guinea during operations against Indonesian Paratrooperes, Intruders, Marines and Guerillas in 1961 - 1962. 300 paratroopers of the 1300 man who were landed between end April 1962 and mid August 1962, were killed, wounded, or captured. The rest fled deep in the jungle afraid of the Marines, Papua Army Corps, Police and citizens. Nowadays Papauans are still suppressed and killed by Indonesian occupying forces


Trikora vs Royal Dutch Marines 1961-1962 The Battle in Netherlands New Guinea 

Battle between Indonesia and The Netherlands over Netherlands New Guinea in 1961 - 1962. Royal Dutch Marines were standby when Indonesian paratroopers landed in the jungle of Netherlands New Guinea. An average of 1300 paratroopers were dropped, often hanging in the high trees or fallen to death. 300 of them were captured or killed by Royal Dutch Marines, Papua Army Corps, Police or Dutch Army. The rest fled deep into the jungle, afraid of them and avoiding any contact. Nowadyas Indonesian Militairy and Government is suppressing Papuans who did not get the chance for self determination, due to false elections in 1969.

Nederlands Nieuw Guinea 1962. De vermiste Dakota X11

 Op 28 juni 1962 ging de X-11 Dakota C-47b van het 336 Sqn. tijdens een vlucht van Merauke naar de thuishaven Biak op zeer tragische wijze verloren. Het wrak werd in 1969 aan de Zuidzijde in het Carstenszgebergte tegen de Ertsberg gevonden. Positie 137° 9´ Z en 4° 6´ O; dit werd door de Zwitserse missievlieger Emil Rölling doorgegeven. De bemanningleden, passagiers en gevangen genomen Indonesische infiltrant waren: Bemanning: 1e. Vlieger Elt. L.N. Bieger 2e. Vlieger Sgt 1. J.W.A. Brochard 3e. Telegrafist S.M. J. Akkerman 4e. BWK AOO. R.H.F. Rudolph 5e. HBWK Sld. D. de Klerk Passagiers: 6e. Mw. M. Verburg-Niersman 7e. Baby De baby van mevrouw Verburg Indonesische Infiltrant: 8e. Soldaat Timboel Bin Kamplijan Begin 1991 is door de Koninklijke Luchtmacht een Expeditie uitgezonden om eventuele slachtofferresten alsnog te bergen. De film toont een kort verslag van de berging op 4100m hoogte in het onherbergzame gebied. Deze zijn herbegraven op het Ereveld in Loenen bij Apeldoorn Holland.


Nederlands Nieuw Guinea 1962. De radar op Heuvel

 De levensgevaarlijke en zeer wankele radarstelling op Heuvel 100, Biak 1962

 Eerste weekjournaal van 1962, geheel gewijd aan het
jaaroverzicht van 1961. Aan de orde komen: de tewaterlating van een tanker bij Verolme; overstromingen in Overijssel; het dichtten van het Veerse Gat; bezoek van Heidi Brühl aan Amsterdam; optreden van Conny Froboess; het uitdelen van brochures over atoombom door de BB; actie van De Vrije Veluwse Boeren bij Vaassen; NK gewichtheffen; de Rijksweg A4, met een aquaduct onder de Ringvaart van de Haarlemmermeer; eerste vaart van de draagvleugelboot Golondria; aviobridge op Schiphol; toespraak van Luns op Schiphol over de houding met Nieuw-Guinea; nieuwe vlag voor Nieuw-Guinea; nieuwe verkeersregels voor zebrapaden, onder wie Max Tailleur; het nieuwe Academisch Ziekenhuis Dijkzigt; maquette van het nieuwe gebouw van de Nederlandsche bank; opening Scheveningse Pier en een demonstratie van een reddingsboot door dhr. De Baan; schaduwspel als tegenhanger van film; feestelijke intochten van de wereldkampioenen schaatsen Henk van der Grift en de wereldkampioen judo Anton Geesink; klokken uit klokkenmuseum.

Hockey wedstrijd Biak

In 1958 trokken Burgers & Marine uit Biak in Nederlands Nieuw Guinea naar Sorong voor een Hockeywedstrijd tegen NNGPM

HrMs Kortenaer in Nw Guinea

film van de Hr Ms Kortenaer in Nieuw Guinea 1956 film is in 7 delen

lengte totale film ongeveer 70 minuten


TRIKORA - Yos Sudarso - Battle of Aru Sea 

 Battle of Aru
Reconstruction what happened on 12 January 1962.
3 Indonesian MTB on delivering mission get in a close up with 2 Dutch destroyer. with only AA gun they fight for survive. The torpedoes was dismounted for additional space. One of them, KRI Macan Tutul launch an attack that leaving Dutch to concentrate on Macan Tutul and escaping other MTB's

This Heroic action known as Battle of Aru Sea. Komodor Yos Sudarso (RIP), one commanding MTB Macan Tutul known as Indonesian National Hero.

Thanks to Mr. Fleck and community.
s-boot Jaguar class acting for MTBs until MTB Macan tutul polygon finished and uploaded to scene. :)


Nederlands Nieuw Guinea 1962.

Nederlands Nieuw Guinea 1962. Het afscheid van gouveneur Platteel.




West Papua Documenter Film

 This Film about Indonesia Ambition to take over The Control of West Papua, so They Joint to Communist. But Then USA Support Indonesia to stop Communist and Press Nederland Kingdom to go out from West Papua. 


West Papua documentary


This is part 2 of an excellent and rare TV documentary about West Papua. It was broadcast in prime time on Channel 4 (UK). A year on from its original screening it still has not been seen in any other country.

Part 2 (6'57"):

• Indonesian Independence Day in Wamena, and the troops march as a show of force. The atmosphere is tense.

• Footage of the violent March 2006 student protest in Jayapura.

• Interviews with some of the protesting students who are now hiding out in the mountains. Students say the reason for the protest was the lack of sharing of profits from the giant American-run Freeport gold and copper mine in Timika.



Nieuw Guinea Fam. van Battum 

Een greep herinneringen uit het leven van de Fam. van Battum.
Biak, Nieuw Guinea 1960.


Guiné, 1962/63, George Freire

Vliegfeest op Biak in 1962 van de Klu Nieuw Guinea

 Een vliegfeest van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht op het vliegveld Mokmer te Biak in het voormalig Nederlands Nieuw Guinea 1962. Dakota's. Hunters en Alouette


Ongeluk Neutron Biak 16 juli 1957


Adventure WEST PAPUA

 The Movie: The earth shrinks. An east German travel group embarks on a trekking tour in the jungle of West Papua. The Pictures: Far beyond any civilistaion ancient tribes' lives are governed by stone age rites and traditions in an intriguing swathe of land. The Music: Reaching to our roots in stone age - the music of the Papuas has survived. Its contents are matter of hunting, pig cult, the belief in spirits and ritual war. The Regions: In comprehensive additional clips tribes appear from the divers landscapes - the plain- , the highlands as well as the Stone Korowai. Experience the life of the natives with videos, photos and sound recordings up to the release of the DVD - available in September 2007 with english, french and spanish subtitles!

West Papua Oorlogsrituelen

Tijdens onze trip door Papua werden wij getrakteerd op de oorlogsrituelen 2004



Gentle Cannibals - the Stone Korowai, West Papua

 Eighteen year-old Alahope is mourning her husband who died two days before. Although he appeared to die of an unexplained sickness she believes he was murdered - by a sorcerer who ate his soul and body. Now, she and her Aunt Dup want revenge and are urging their men to kill the sorcerer. What happens to an alleged sorcerer? Our people tell us with relish and in chilling detail of their encounter with a previous sorcerer a few months before. They ambushed him with arrows, carried his body parts back into the bush and ate him.


Hagahai 1992 

Produced in 1992. The documentary feature life of last lost tribe of Papua New Guinea. Hagahai People live in The Western Schraden Mountains of Papua New Guinea. The documentary was produced by Fr. Zdzislaw Mak svd with great assistance of dr Carol Jenkins a medical antropologist working with PNG Institute of Medical Studies in Goroka as well as Meg Taylor, PNG Ambassador to United States. Narration was done by John Eggins, a journalist of Lukim PNG Production.


Yapen Waropen West Papua 

Barrewai, Ambai, Serui, Ansus, Bataroi, Poom Yapen Waropen Papua Indonesia


I was instantly captivated when I learned that there are still
people today in our world who live the way humans did 20
to 30,000 years ago. They are the Amungme people of West Papua,
Indonesia. The Amungme are an ancient and beautiful culture in one of the last
isolated corners of our planet.
What makes their story even more compelling, is that they
had no contact with the rest of the world until the 1960s. It
was then that an American mining company, Freeport McMoran, along
with the Indonesian government, launched a massive copper
and gold mining operation on traditional Amungme land.
As a result, the Amungme people have faced and endured a
wave of cultural, environmental and civil abuse, the like of which they had
never known before.
Today, over 40 years later, the Amungme are still struggling
to gain some control over their disappearing land and culture. They are
insisting on their rights as the original land owners, and if
nothing else, they are hoping to be recognized and respected
as equal human beings.

The living of Amungme.


Amungme voice of nature

 Mr. Leo Kelanangame playing the pingkol ...... a traditional musical instrument Amungme tribe.... he was imitating natural voice to portray a legend or story of their lives in amungsa land, Papua.


amungme(beoga) always


Welcome to Owus Village in Asmat, West Papua, Indonesia


Headhunting Tribe of West Papua

 The Aswat Tribe is among the best-known tribes of West Papua (Irian Jaya). They became famous not only for their headhunting practices but also for their unique woodcarving skills. Around 70,000 Asmat live scattered in 100 villages in a territory of roughly 20,000 sq.km in the huge southern Papuan swampy lowlands and rainforest. The Asmat were largely untouched by the outside world until the 1950s and 1960s when missionaries and expeditions increasingly intruded into their isolation.

To the Asmat tribe, woodcarving was inextricably connected to the spirit world. Much of the highly original Asmat art is symbolic of warfare, headhunting, and warrior-ancestor veneration. The Asmat were preoccupied with the necessity of appeasing ancestral spirits. In trying to placate this spirit world, they produced a wealth of superbly-designed shields, canoes, sculptured figures and drums.

Up the River in Head Hunting Territory

The Asmat region of Indonesia is know for its head hunters and jungle. For the fourth most populous country in the world, Indonesia has a lot of very wild areas. We visited a native village in the Asmat. The people here used to be head hunters, but supposedly have mostly stopped. Their spirituality is largely based around their ancestors and protections from bad spirits. Much of the mysticism is centered on the men's house.

We visited their village, their men's house and took part in a Canoe Ceremony. The Canoe is made in secret, then with a big flourish it is revealed to the village and launched.

This was part of a trip with Zegrahm Expeditions.

Asmat Warriors Greeting, War Canoes and Chanting

Loyal Zegrahm traveler, Marilyn Armel, traveled on our Circumnavigation of New Guinea voyage in March of this year and has kindly shared with us some of her video footage taken during our visit to the Asmat region of West Papua. If you missed our voyage in 2009, join us in 2010 on our Best of Indonesia expedition when we return to the Asmat region in February.

 This small Asmat village, a few miles East of Agats in East West Papua, still produces the wood carvings that so much fascinated Michael Rockefeller. He disappeared, in this very area, in1961 while collecting the Asmat Art that is now exibited in the New York Museum of Primitive Arts.

the Great Jungle Spirit chase of Owus Village, Asmat, Papua

promo rufus saati

Every tree here in the jungle is related to our ancestors. When all of that disappeares, then the basis of life in Asmat has gone too. And then I wont have a basis myself anymore...(Rufus Sisumur Saati)

These are the words of a remarkable Papuan artist, who is living in the vast jungle of West Papua. His daily struggle to maintain the nature and culture of the Asmat rainforest is depicted in this documentary:


RUFUS is an Asmat Papuan and a sculptural artist. Out of the trees in the jungle he shapes his statues of wood, following ancient Asmat traditions. But his works also contain important messages for the future: the importance of maintaining the delicate balance in nature, and of maintaining the meaningful values of the Asmat culture. As an artist, these are the ideas he wants to pass on to next generations.
RUFUS SISUMUR SAATI: from an Asmat point of view , life is a circel, instead of a line. During the Feast of the Spirits the spirit of the deceased SAATI enters the body of Rufus Sisumur. Only a few decades ago Saati was one of the most notorious headhunters of the big Pomatsj river. Rufus tribe believes Saati has returned to Asmat, embodied by Rufus Sisumur. In the same way Saati once lead the people in their wars, Rufus is leading his people in the battle against the destruction of the rainforest: against the commercial lumbering in the area.



  The Long House is the focal point of most villages in South-East Asia. The Asmat village of Kaimo in South-East West Papua is no exception.

Meeting with Leo Bewerpitsj

In 2001 I met with Leo Bewerpitsj, one of the two guides that helped Michael Rockefeller and Rene Wassing collect Asmat Art along the coast of Southern West Papua.
Michael misteriously disappeared after the boat they were traveling on capsized in the rough waters off Agats, Asmat main village.
An extensive search, financed by Nelson Rockefeller, Michael's father, could not find any traces of him.
He may have reached the shore and been captured by then still active head hunters or more probably attacked by sharks/crocodiles.
The world will never know

Lives of Our Ancestors Asmat Bis Ceremony New Guinea

In the summer of 2007 two members of the Holmes Museum of Anthropology at Wichita State University traveled to the Asmat area of New Guinea. This video documents the preparation and performance of a bis ceremony.

Ke Asmat, Papua, Indonesia  

An excursion into the Korowai Forest, South-West New Guinea

In 2001 we rode a motorized canoe upriver one of the many large rivers that from the high mountains of central West Papua flow through the southern lowlands and run toward the Arafura Sea.
We reached deep into the Korowai Forest and got up a tree house, the traditional Korowai dwelling.

In the Wilds of Irian Jaya


Een bezoek aan het Yali-volk in de Baliemvallei

Yali People Living

Yalimeck, Anggruk, West Papua, South Pacifica

Yali Jubilee 2011 

 On May 21, 1961, Stan Dale and Bruno de Leeuw made first contact with the Yali tribe in what is now Papua, Indonesia. In the week of May 16, 2011, the Yali held the Yubileum, or Jubilee: they celebrated fifty years since the coming of the Gospel to their tribe, and fifty years of its transformational impact on their society. This video captures some of the highlights of that celebration, as well as the Holuwon Yalis' welcome of John and Gloria Wilson and their family, who had lived among them for twenty years.

A longer video will eventually be released, containing more footage including interviews with several Yali leaders, Bruno de Leeuw and others.


Into Yali Territory at the heart of West Papua, New Guinea

A small plane took us to Angguruk, Yali's main village, from where for five days we hiked the most rugged terrain reaching Panggema and by another small plane we finally returned to Wamena

hot stone cooking (The Yali Tribe) 

 Hiking the remote Yali Territory, going through the villages of Walma and Pileam.


My day into the Papua jungle taking workers into the Bauzi area. We are going to be opening this new airstrip. The Bauzi people have a fierce reputation but they are dear people: today we are going to visit them.


Irian Jaya: The Biak Massacre - Indonesia

  November 1998
We show evidence of the Indonesian military's murder of civilians in July 1998, who dared to support the Free West Papua movement.

Since Indonesia took control of Irian Jaya in the mid-1960s, people in Biak have dreamt of independence. Many support the OPM -- the rag-tag 'Free West Papua' guerrillas. But with their homemade weapons and rusting rifles, they have posed a limited threat to the Indonesian military. Yet in July, emboldened by the fall of Suharto, people in Biak raised the OPM's flag -- with tragic consequences. Displaying his wounds to the camera this man recalls the nightmare: "We heard the forces coming up...in front of us there were six bodies, all with bullet wounds. There was blood everywhere." Secret videotape shows those walls peppered with bullets with personal belongings scattered everywhere. Business consultant, Rebecca Casey remembers the gunfire. But the worst atrocity may have occurred at sea. The OPM claim that over 100 people were herded onto Indonesian ships. There are stories of rape, torture and murder with the bodies being thrown into the sea. Indonesian officials deny it occurred claiming bodies that washed ashore were victims of the massive tidal wave that struck 11 days later. But from the people of Biak there are plenty of witnesses who attest to a brutal massacre.

Pameran Prajurit Jepang yg tak sempat dipulangkan ke tanah air dari Papua


In this clip, we follow the sophisticated process of sweet potato horticulture developed by the Dani. It follows the Dani sweet potato cycle from clearing off the old brush and weeds from a fallow field to planting, harvesting, cooking and eating. Sweet potatoes make up 90% of their diet. The Dani have dozens of different names for varieties of sweet-potatoes.

Pigs have been introduced by the British and have become a part of the ecological system, plowing up the soil in search of food and fertilizing it by their droppings.

Expedition to West Papua

A visit to the Dani tribes of West Papua

West Papua Dani tribal dance

Baliem valley - West Papua - Dani tribe 2009

Dani tribe, Baliem valley dancing west papua

Dani Tribe - Papua- New Guinea

A visit to the Dani tribe in Baliem Valley in the central part of Papua on the island of New Guinea - Indonesia.

Wokabout West Papua

After the initiation with the penis gourd a pig is killed, cooked and eaten...

Dani Tribe Singing


My wife and I were the highlands of New Guinea in the Spring of 2010. We treated a small Dani village to a traditional roast pig and yam feast. This video shows the slaughter of the piglet that we cooked and ate. This is a very disturbing video. The Dani attitude towards animals is very different from that in the West. Don't let your children watch this.

Dani warriors 

Anemoigi Village. Dani men and boys practicing for war. We paid 1,000,000 IDR to the village to share their culture with us.

West Papua - Danis pork party

dani tribe song 

 dani tribe in wamena pig ceremony


Dani Mock War and Pig Feast in Anemoigi Village in West Papua, Indonesia

Expedition to New Guinea - Goroka show 2011

Trip across Papua-New-Guinea and West Papua, Goroka show november 2011
Voyage à travers la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée et la West Papua

Dani Man Starting Fire


Balliem Valley - West Irian Jaya of New Guinea in Indonesia 

The Baliem Valley - an escape into the past (a valley in Irian Jaya, the western half of New Guinea in Indonesia), Slovenian film, 1993 on DVD format, Runtime: 70 min
It shows the Dani tribesmen who wear penis sheaths made of a cultivated gourd who live in compounds of huts made from trees and mud. One of the more unusual customs is to amputate one or two joints of a woman's finger to calm evil spirits when a close relative dies. We see a mummified head of the tribe whom the Dani people consult when in trouble and experience the tribal fighting for a girl between the opposing groups. In this part of the world we witness the ever more intervention by the Indonesian government with transmigration of Muslims from the island of Java and the changing ethnic composition of the population of the valley. The place is accessible only by planes as there are no roads. The Dani are becoming increasingly dependent on the various items offered by the present time: they still use stone implements to cultivate the soil and the matches replace the protector of the eternal flame in the traditional Dani house (honay). At the market in Wamena, the centre of the valley, we can still see the disappearing "naked". The film is therefore one of the last testimonies of the time, which disappears in the Stone Age in this valley.



Afroamerindios Channel / Indigenous Papua 

 An experience on the Baliem Valley , the highlands of western New Guinea. H. Antoni Carvajal and FSA supporters in the last altars of Papua, meeting the Lani and Dani aborigens.
The ancient testimoy of the unique keepers of nature, that still survive to the terrible technological progress and to the cultural agression of the western.
Afroamerindios Channel present: "Pacific Paradise", and promote the universal launguage of music, the strong tie that binds all people and embraces the oldest original traditions, thus trasforming the cultural syncretism into a unifyng feeling.

Old friends meet in Ilaga, Papua

Dad returned to Papua, specifically Ilaga Valley in July of 2003 for a great celebration of the completion of the Western Dani Old Testament. He was one of the team members working on this project over a period of about ten years. On his first day back in Ilaga, an old friend going back over 40 years, showed up at the door. His name is Pu'ni Mende Kom.

When Dad first entered the Ilaga Valley, it was on the invitation of a bilingual man named Yimbitu. Dad was therefore identified with his moeity, or group of clans. Therefore, it was logical that Mom would be identified with the opposite moeity in the valley. Pu'ni Mende Kom was a member of the Tabuni clan in this opposite moeity. He took upon himself the role as Mom's "brother," becoming our "mothers' brother," a key relationship in Dani.

So he became a special friend, and was even featured on the cover of the book, Cannibal Valley by Russell T. Hitt.

Dad had not seen Pu'ni Mende Kom since retiring in 1990, a period of 13 years. Enjoy their moments of catching up!

Dani Tribes host a festival in the Baliem Valley of New Gunea

 varkensfeest baliemvallei 1974

Silent film made by the late father Camps in Jiwika in the Baliem Valley in 1974.
The film shows a pig fest as payment to the family of the deceased. Pig fests are important social events in the lives of Papuans, especialy in the Highlands.


Varkensfeest tijdens onze trektocht door de Baliemvallei in West Papua

Indonesia Wamena come2indonesia.com

Waga-Waga, the village

 The village of Waga-Waga and its picturesque population are happy to allow the occasional tourist to observe how life supposedly used to go on in the "good" old days.

Waga-Waga, the battle

Reminiscent of the old days the Waga-Waga villagers re-enact, for the sake of the occasional tourist, the fierce and colourful battles their ancestors used to fight with their neighbours.

Ayi! Kaonak! 

 In 2005 I went to Papua over break with Lori, fellow teacher. We made it as far as Pyramid in the Baliem for just an overnight. This is just after arriving by taxi mid-afternoon from Wamena on 23 March 2005. I'm trying to remember the Dani I spoke as a child but finding it difficult when I met this man that knew my parents. (remember, just arrived... my Dani would be much better given a week!) The man's main concern: "Where are your parents? Are they returning?" Great memories of Pyramid where we (missionaries & families) gathered for our annual conference! (Hope this uploads OK, just now able to use a new program.)



A Message To The United Nations From The Family Of Opinus Tabuni

Family members of an indigenous Papuan murdered by the Indonesian Police send a clear message to the United Nations and world; the independence of Papua is the only solution.

It has been several months since the murder of Opinus Tabuni in Wamena, Papua, during the 2008 United Nations World Indigenous Day celebrations last August. Although an autopsy confirmed the bullet originated from an Indonesian police weapon, an investigation by the Indonesian police in Papua has not resulted in any arrests.

Within weeks of Opinus Tabunis death, police investigations grew silent and no charges have been filed against any Indonesian Police shooter.

An estimated 100,000 Papuans having died since the Indonesian government took control of the disputed province in what is widely considered a sham 1969 United Nations observed referendum.

Family members of Opinus Tabuni recently sent a clear message to the United Nations calling Opinus a true Papuan advocate who paid the ultimate price with his life, and called out to the Indonesian Government to let Papua go.

Koteka Quest

a trek through the baliem valley in papua, indonesia, looking for vestiges of the koteka, or penis sheath.


Wokabout West Papua

A traveler to West Papua is initiated with a Penis Gourd ceremony...

Living with the Ancestors - Indonesia

 January 2001
It was only in the 1940s that the 140,000-strong group of tribes was found by the outside world. Today their culture and traditions are still very much alive -- and intensely exotic to the homogenised global village. We enter the stone age, where penis gourds remain the clothing of choice, where pigs and women are valued property and where the 300 year old mummies of warrior ancestors are pulled out of their huts and propped in chairs for an afternoon constitutional. "This mummy is the hero of the family. He teaches us how to use an arrow and make war", says a proud descendant. But now that tourists are venturing to this remote eastern part of Indonesia, will Dani traditions and beliefs be reduced to a spectacle for curious outsiders?

 Penis Gourd

 The final part of Kirsten's birthday video...Kirsten is picked up by a Dani woman and paraded around the village. The song is Bohemian Like You by Dandy Warhols.

Cremation in West Papua 

This was a cremation funeral the me and my brother found in Wamena, West Papua. We (illegally) stayed with some locals, who helped us get acquainted with these tribes. A elder had passed away the day before, and hundreds of people hiked through the hills from all directions to attend his funeral. Nothing was put on for tourists.
I understand that putting this on Youtube might be unethical, however, I really want to make people aware that this is a practice that is very rare will definitely be lost within 10 years. Very few of the young offspring still live this 'tribal' lifestyle, so this culture wont be passed along.

Some describe West Papua as going through modern colonialism, with hundreds of thousands of Indonesian foreigners moving into their lands, and owning the markets, they have become second class citizens, just like other aboriginals around the world.

It was shot and edited by myself, D'Arcy Hamilton. The music was composed by Kaelen Jarvis.

Papua Glacier

 Aerial view of equatorial glacier in Papua province of Indonesia

to Grasberg and BEYOND....

 [For some reason I just got the message "video is no longer available" even though this is not correct. If it says that for you, you can try clicking on "view in standard quality." But even better, just add "&fmt=18" to the end of the URL. Then click the "go to" arrow to the right of URL. It then plays in high quality.]

Now we hike out of the mine towards the east into the Meren Valley . We pass Zebra Wall, I linger at the first lake and end up at the second ... At one point I'm out of breath due to rushing for a good vantage point ;) and the altitude - about 12500 ft. ?? ... The red berries in the close-up look like the ones we picked near the Ilaga airstrip as kids, sometimes eating them and sometimes stringing them around our necks... I think New Zealand Pass can be seen in the distance towards the northeast. Just past it is Meren Glacier (not in view) and a short distance over the ridge, Lake Larson named after my dad by the New Zealand Expedition of 1960! (I've never seen it in person, just photos.)... Also out of site, further down towards the southeast are Carstensz Pyramid and Carstensz Glacier. I recommend reading The Last True Explorer by Philip Temple who initiated the 1960 New Zealand expedition and later was first to climb Carstensz Pyramid along with Heinrich Harrer in 1962...[There's something magical there: look what I suddenly become as I walk away from the camera in the final scene. - No editing! Maybe being punished for excessively bright pants??...And there's an extra scene at end for catlovers.]