Dancer and the Dance, The

Dr Felicia Hughes-Freeland
Specialist Subjects: Research interests: • Dance, performance, gender • Ritual and media • Cultural politics • Visual anthropology and visual ethnography; • Aesthetics and epistemology; anthropological theory. • Embodiment and society. • Southeast Asia, especially Java, Bali and Laos She has nearly thirty years of research experience in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, and is a fluent speaker of Indonesian. After completing a PhD in classical Javanese dance (SOAS 1986), she conducted a ten year study (1989-1999) into changing styles of patronage of performance in Java with grants from Cambridge University and the British Academy. Her research monograph, Embodied Communities: Dance Traditions and Change in Java will be published by Berghahn Books in 2008. At the same time she started the project into Balinese television culture with Mark Hobart (SOAS) (1990-1992). She conducted a pilot study, ‘Performance Culture of Laos’ was funded by the British Academy Committee for South-East Asian Studies, and is developing a project about cultural politics and performance in Southeast Asia. Dr Hughes-Freeland trained in documentary filmmaking at the National Film and Television School (1986-7). Two of her films are distributed by the Royal Anthropological Institute: The Dancer and the Dance (1988); and Tayuban: Dancing the Spirit in Java (1996) ( ). She is currently working on films about trance performance in Java, and women filmmakers in Muslim societies.
Dr Hughes-Freeland is an anthropologist with research interests in dance and performance studies, visual anthropology, media, Southeast Asian studies, and anthropological theory. Her most recent book is Embodied Communities: Dance Traditions and Change in Java (Berghahn 2008). She was a senior visiting research fellow at the Asia Research Institute at the National University Singapore in 2008. She was organiser of the 25th conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Studies in the UK (ASEASUK) took place at Swansea University 11-13 September 2009.
Dr Hughes-Freeland is also an ethnographic filmmaker, an active member of European ethnographic film networks, and regularly acts as a selector and judge at film festivals. She was Film Reviews Editor for the journal Visual Anthropology (1996-2010). She is a member of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Film Committee, the European Association of Social AnthropologistsVisual Anthropology Network Board, the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and the Commonwealth Film Review Committee, and the executive committee of the Association of Southeast Asian Studies in the UK (ASEASUK). She is committed to practice-based visual research as well as the use of still and moving images in teaching, and had funding from the Teaching and Learning Support Network/Centre for Sociology, Anthropology and Politics (C-SAP) for ‘Visual Technologies and their Assessment in Undergraduate Learning’ (2002-3), click here . Two other websites based on her work are: Performance in Indonesia: Traditions of Court and Country, and Visual Anthropology Field School, California March-April 2003
Fieldwork (since 2001)
Dr Hughes-Freeland is also an ethnographic filmmaker, an active member of European ethnographic film networks, and regularly acts as a selector and judge at film festivals. She was Film Reviews Editor for the journal Visual Anthropology (1996-2010). She is a member of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Film Committee, the European Association of Social AnthropologistsVisual Anthropology Network Board, the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and the Commonwealth Film Review Committee, and the executive committee of the Association of Southeast Asian Studies in the UK (ASEASUK). She is committed to practice-based visual research as well as the use of still and moving images in teaching, and had funding from the Teaching and Learning Support Network/Centre for Sociology, Anthropology and Politics (C-SAP) for ‘Visual Technologies and their Assessment in Undergraduate Learning’ (2002-3), click here . Two other websites based on her work are: Performance in Indonesia: Traditions of Court and Country, and Visual Anthropology Field School, California March-April 2003
- ‘Rite ‘n’ Roll’: collaborative team project in Britain and France about the generative power of dance in canonical and new age rituals. Application in process to ANR-ESRC.
- ‘Cultural Politics in the ASEAN Region: Patronage, Production and Ownership of Dance’: a large scale comparative project about cultural politics relating to heritage and intellectual property and their impact on performance and performers, with case studies in Indonesia, Malaysia and Laos.
- Javanese dance and its classicisation within the Indonesian state.
- Television and performance culture in Bali.
- Changing styles of performance patronage in Java.
- Performance and tourism in Laos
- 2009. Komunitas yang Mewujud: Tradisi dan Perubahan Tari di Jawa. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. viii + 442 pp.
- 2008. Embodied Communities: Dance Traditions and Change in Java . New York and London: Berghahn. 286 pp.
- 2007. Edited with G. Bowman, C. Grasseni, and S. Pink, ‘The Frontiers of Visual Anthropology’, Visual Anthropology vol. 20 (2).
- 1998. Editor, Ritual, Performance, Media (ASA monograph 35). London: Routledge. 233 pp.
- 1998. Edited with M. Crain, Recasting Ritual: Performance, Media, Identity (EASA series). London: Routledge. 168 pp
- 1996. Edited with N. Charles, Practising Feminism: Identity, Difference, Power. London: Routledge. 228 pp.
- 2010. ‘Divine Cyborgs? Ritual Spirit Presence and the Limits of Media’, in (ed.) C. Brosius, Ritual and Media, Ritual Dynamics Series, Heidelberg University.
- 2010. ‘Movement on the move: performance and dance tourism’ in (eds) J. Skinner and H. Neveu, Dancin’ Culture, New York and London: Berghahn Books.
- 2010. ‘Creativity and cross-cultural collaboration: the case of Didik Nini Thowok’s Bedhaya Hagoromo’, in (eds) M.I. Cohen and L. Nozslopzy, Southeast Asian Arts in Transnational Perspective, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- 2008. ‘Cross-dressing across cultures: genre and gender in the dances of Didik Nini Thowok’, Working Paper Series108, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 37 pp.
- 2008. ‘Gender, representation, experience: the case of village performers in Java’,
Dance Research 26(2): 140-167. - 2008. ‘Becoming a puppet’: Javanese dance as spiritual art’, Journal of Religion and Theatre Studies 7(1): 35-54
2007. ‘Charisma and celebrity in Indonesian politics’, Anthropological Theory, 7(2), (pp177-200). - 2007. ‘Tradition and the individual talent: T.S. Eliot for anthropologists’ (pp 207-222) in (eds) E. Hallam and T. Ingold, Creativity and Cultural Improvisation (ASA monographs 44). Oxford: Berg.
- 2007. ‘Editors’ Introduction’ with S. Pink, G. Bowman, and C. Grasseni, Visual Anthropology vol. 20 (2-3): 91-101.
- 2006. ‘Media’ (pp 595-614) in (eds) J. Kreinath, J. Snoek, and M. Strausberg, Theorizing Rituals: Vol. I: Issues, Topics, Approaches, Concepts. Numen Book Series, Studies in the History of Religions 114-1. Leiden: Brill.
- 2006. 'Constructing a classical tradition: women's dance in Java' (pp pp 52-74) in (ed.) T.J. Buckland, Dancing from Past to Present: Nation, Culture, Identities. Studies in Dance History, Series of the Society for Dance History Scholars. Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin.
- 2005. ‘Visual takes on dance in Java’ in Oral Tradition vol 20 (1): 58-79.
- 2005. ‘Tradition and the individual talent: T.S. Eliot for anthropologists’ in (eds) E.Hirsch and S. Macdonald, ‘Creativity and Temporality’, Cambridge Anthropology 25 (2): 20-35, 2005.
- 1988. The Dancer and the Dance, 16mm [Camera Amy Hardie], 45 mins. © Royal Anthropological Institute and National Film and Television School, Distributed by the Royal Anthropological Institute.
- 1989. Javanese Performance from the Mangkunagaran. V8/VHS, 60 mins. © F. Hughes-Freeland and Cambridge University.
- 1991. Javanese dance and tourists, Hi-8/VHS, 10 mins. © F. Hughes-Freeland and University of Wales Swansea. Video notes series.
- 1992. Derama Gong: Ayu Ratih, August 5, Pura Dalem Kauh, Pejengaji, Tegallalang, Bali. Hi-8, 6 hours. © F Hughes-Freeland and BHISMA project, SOAS.
- 1992. Arja: Keris Pusaka Sakti, August 23, Pura Duur Bingin, Tegallalang, Bali. Hi-8, 6 hours. © F. Hughes-Freeland and BHISMA project, SOAS.
- 1994. Morris Dancing on May Day 1994 – camera work, in collaboration with long-term research project by Dr T. Brewer. CD-Rom, University of Glamorgan.
- 1996. Tayuban:Dancing the Spirit in Java. Hi-8, 30 mins. © F. Hughes-Freeland and University of Wales Swansea, Distributed by the Royal Anthropological Insititute.
- 2002. Feast of Fools: Swansea MAS Carnival 2001 – camera team; edited and produced by Al Coley (former student and Granada Centre graduate), VHS, 27 mins.
- 2004. A Matter of Interpretation: Cultural Landscapes of California -- director (student team project). DVD/VHS, 40 mins © University of Glamorgan Field School.
- 2008 Visiting Senior Research Fellow (under the ARI sabbatical scheme), Asian Research Institute, National University Singapore. Feb-May.
- 2007 British Academy Overseas Conference Grant (OCG-47511) £200 to present a paper to the European Association for South-East Asian Studies, 12-15 Sept 2007, Naples
- 2005-6 Arts and Humanities Research Council (then Board) Research Leave Scheme award of £14,013.00 to complete the monograph ‘Embodied Communities: Dance Traditions and Change in Java’. End of research report graded ‘outstanding’.
- 2002-3 British Academy Committee for South-East Asian Studies grant of £2150 for ‘Performance Culture of Laos’, a pilot study base on short periods of fieldwork and library study in Laos, London, and Paris. Dec 02- Sept 03
- 2002 Teaching and Learning Support Network/Centre for Sociology, Anthropology and Politics (C-SAP) grant of £2125 for ‘Visual Technologies and their Assessment in Undergraduate Learning’.
- 2001-3 Core member of the ‘Performance and Text’ research group at the AHBR Research Centre for Asian and African Literature, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
Fieldwork (since 2001)
- 2010. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Project development, performance observation, interviews, and launch of the Indonesian translatioon of Embodied Communities, Komunitas yang Mewujud.
2008. Jakarta, Indonesia. Interviews and viewings with women filmmakers and producers. One week. - 2007. Cairo, Egypt. Interviews and viewings with women filmmakers and producers. One week.
- 2006-7. Rajasthan, India. Performance observation and documentation. Four weeks.
- 2006. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Planning and documentation of disaster relief. Four weeks.
- 2001-2. Laos. Interviews, observation, and video documentation of performances. Two weeks. British Academy.
- April 2005. ‘Tradition and the individual talent: T.S. Eliot for anthropologists’ to the panel ‘Creativity and Temporality’ convened by Dr. E. Hirsch and Prof. S.MacDonald, ASA conference, Aberdeen.
- March 2006. Visual work in progress included in the exhibition, ‘Intersections: Forays in Ethnography and Art’, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff (invited).
- June 2006. ‘Becoming a Puppet: Javanese Dance as Spiritual Art’, to the Research Seminar Programme of the School of Religious and Theological Studies, Cardiff University (invited).
- September 2006. ‘Dance: more than a moving image?’ to the panel ‘Visuality and Performativity’ convened by Dr M. Cohen and Dr A. Iyer, Association of South-East Asia in the United Kingdom (ASEASUK) Conference, St Antony’s College, Oxford (invited).
- September 2006. ‘Dance: more than a moving image?’ to the workshop ‘Corporeal Vision’ convened by Dr R. Cox and Dr C. Wright, 9th Biennial EASA conference, Bristol.
- April 2007. ‘Traditional performance and dance tourism’ to the panel ‘Ways of Seeing, Ways of Being: Spectatorship and Participation through Tourism’ convened by Dr. F. Hughes-Freeland, ASA conference, ‘Thinking Through Tourism’, London Metropolitan University.
- June-July 2007. ‘The ghost in the machine? On not being able to film a trance-possession performance’ for the conference ‘Beyond Text’, Manchester University.
- September 2007. ‘Tradition, innovation and social expectations: the case of the Indonesian performer Didiek Hadiprayitno’ to the panel Tradition and Innovation: Issues in Southeast Asian Performance’ convened by Dr M. Caldiron and Dr. Diamond, 7th EuroSEAS Conference, University of Naples, Italy (invited).
- October 2007. ‘Rasa: embodied perception in Javanese performance’, to the Anthropology and Ethnomusicology Research Seminar, Queen’s University, Belfast (invited).
- Oct- Dec 2007. Films and work in progress selected for the international exhibition, ‘Visual Vocabularies: Engaging the Mind’s Eye’, UCLA, California. curated by Teri Brewer and Aparna Sharma (invited).
- 3 November 2007. ‘Bali in the ethnographic Imagination’, to the symposium ‘Imagining Bali on Film’, Centre for Media and Film Studies, SOAS, and the Royal Anthropological Institute (invited).
- Sept 2008. ‘The ghost in the machine? On not being able to film a trance-possession performance’, to the panel ‘Media and/as Ritual at the conference ‘Ritual Dynamics and the Science of Ritual’, 29 September- 2 October 2008, Heidelberg (invited).
- April 2009. ‘The seduction of stones: monuments as narratives of nationhood’, Monumentalizing the Past, Archaeologies of the Future, convened by Dr F. Hughes-Freeland and Dr P. Dransart, conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of UK and the Commonwealth (ASA) ‘Anthropological and Archaeological Imaginations: Past, Present and Future’, Bristol.
- 19 June 2009. Screening of The Dancer and the Dance and Tayuban: Dancing the Spirit in Java with Q & A, British Museum (invited).
- 20 June 2009. ‘Javanese Dance Rhythms in Court and Country’, Gallery Talk, British Museum (invited).
- 11-13 Sept 2009. ‘Women’s Impacts on Cinema in post-Suharto Indonesia: beyond the “victim-virago dichotomy”?’ to the panel ‘Gender and Creativity’, ASEASUK conference, Swansea.
- 2-6 December 2009. ‘Exploring the “Boundaries” of Expressive Media in Anthropology’
Round table discussant, Presidential/Executive Session, 108th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, ‘The End/s of Anthropology’, Philadephia (invited). - 2-6 December 2009. ‘Dance Culture and its Dislocation’ to the panel ‘Meanings in Motion: Performance, Embodiment, and Identity’, 108th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, ‘The End/s of Anthropology’, Philadelphia (invited).
- 4 February 2010. ‘How the Javanese horse dance generates non-discursive meaning in ritual and secular contexts’. Monthly dance seminar, CNRS-Ivry, France (invited).
25 February 2010. ‘Women’s Impacts on Cinema in post-Suharto Indonesia: beyond the “victim-virago dichotomy”?’ .Southeast Asian Studies Seminar,Asian Studies Centre, St Antony's College, Oxford University (invited) - 7 May 2010. ‘Women’s Impacts on Cinema in post-Suharto Indonesia: beyond the “victim-virago dichotomy”?’ Center for Research in Gender in Culture and Society, Media symposium, Swansea University.
- September 2009. Organiser, 25th conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Studies in the U.K. (ASEASUK), Swansea University.
- September 2009. Creativity and Gender, panel convenor, 25th conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Studies in the U.K. (ASEASUK), Swansea University.
- April 2009. Panel 18 'Monumentalizing the past, archaeologies of the future', with Dr Dransart (Lampeter) at 'Anthropological and archaeological imaginations: past, present and future', the conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK, Bristol University.
- September 2007. ‘Cultural Politics in the ASEAN Region'. Panel for the 7th EuroSEAS Conference, University of Naples, Italy, co-convened with Nora Taylor (Chicago Institute of Arts).
- April 2007. ‘Ways of Seeing, Ways of Being: Spectatorship and Participation through Tourism’. Panel convenor for the ASA conference, ‘Thinking Through Tourism’, London Metropolitan University.
- July 2003. ‘Performance and Technology’. Workshop convenor for the 3rd ASA Decennial conference, Manchester.
- 2001 Research Assessment Exercise : Consultant advisor for work on performance, music and other topics.
- 2003-5 EIN Consultant: Advisor on asylum cases involving Indonesian nationals.
- 2006- AHRC Peer Review College: Assessor for research proposals relating to visual arts and media, and music and the performing arts.
- Dr Hughes-Freeland is a fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute, and a member of the Association of Social Anthropologists, the European Association of Social Anthropologists, the Assocation of Southeast Asian Studies in the UK, the European Association of Southeast Asian Studies, and the American Anthropological Assocation.
BA in English (first class Hons), Cambridge University (1976) MA in English, Cambridge (1980) PhD in Social Anthropology, School of Oriental and African Studies, London (1986)
Reader in Social Anthropology
TEL: +44 (0) 1792 285921
FAX: +44 (0) 1792 295750
Reader in Social Anthropology
TEL: +44 (0) 1792 285921
FAX: +44 (0) 1792 295750
Courses Taught
Postgraduate: current
Contributor to SSHM02 Data Collection in Context
Contributor to SSHM02 Data Collection in Context
Postgraduate: previous
MSc in Cultural Awareness: degree scheme convenor
SSGM03 World Cultural Systems (2006-)
SSGM01 Culture, Policy, Practice and Analysis (2006-7)
SSGM01 Culture, Policy, Practice and Analysis (2006-7)
MSc in Social Research: degree scheme convenor
SSRM01 Research and Study Skills (2006-07)
SSRM02 Data Collection in Context (2001-2, 6-7)
SSRM03 Ethics and Philosophy of Social Research (2000-1)
SSRM02 Data Collection in Context (2001-2, 6-7)
SSRM03 Ethics and Philosophy of Social Research (2000-1)
SSRM04 Qualitative Methods (2008-2010)
SSRM08 Current Research Problems in Anthropology (1999-2009)
Undergraduate: currentGEG113 Power and Symbolism
GEG227 Life Worlds of Hunter-Gatherers and Herders
GEG258 Research Methods in Human Geography (visual methods)
GEG261 Approaches to Human Geography (tutorials)
GEG331, GEG332 Dissertation and preparation
Undergraduate: previous
SSA101 Introduction to Anthropology (1990-2003)
SSA111 Power and Symbolism (2003-2005)
SSA207 Health, Wealth and Happiness in Southeast Asia (1993-2005)
SSA215 Life Worlds 1 (2004-)
SSA200 Anthropological Perspectives Today (1992-2007)
SSA217 Ethnographic Film 1 (2002-2007)
SSA300 Anthropological Perspectives Today (1992-2006)
SSA307 Health, Wealth and Happiness in Southeast Asia (1993-2005)
SSA317 Ethnographic Film 2 (2002-2003)
SSA318 Anthropology Honours seminar (2000-2007)
SSA327 Visual Anthropology (2000-2005)
SSA339 Anthropology Dissertation (1992-2007)
SSA101 Introduction to Anthropology (1990-2003)
SSA111 Power and Symbolism (2003-2005)
SSA207 Health, Wealth and Happiness in Southeast Asia (1993-2005)
SSA215 Life Worlds 1 (2004-)
SSA200 Anthropological Perspectives Today (1992-2007)
SSA217 Ethnographic Film 1 (2002-2007)
SSA300 Anthropological Perspectives Today (1992-2006)
SSA307 Health, Wealth and Happiness in Southeast Asia (1993-2005)
SSA317 Ethnographic Film 2 (2002-2003)
SSA318 Anthropology Honours seminar (2000-2007)
SSA327 Visual Anthropology (2000-2005)
SSA339 Anthropology Dissertation (1992-2007)
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